Do you think that Stockton, California is the only large city facing bankruptcy because of its financial priorities?  Think again.  The financial crisis of the late 2000s was severe and widespread and its strong ripples continue to this day.  No one was unaffected, not even large cities like Los Angeles.


If you have been able to weather this storm, you should certainly be commended.  If not, there is certainly no reason for you to be embarrassed.


Politicians tend to discuss problems ad nauseum, and then offer up some sort of pipe dream solution.  The reality is that many solutions (debt elimination and debt reduction) are currently available in Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.   We are all facing the same pressures, whether we are individuals or companies or cities.  Don’t wait for your problems to get worse.  Call the law office of Henley and Henley today for your free consultation.