The awards season is here.  Many people covet one of these, one of these, or even one of these.  There are other awards most people would like to avoid.  For example, there was very little lobbying to be among the worst CEOs of 2012.  Nevertheless, congratulations are in order to the current or former CEOs of Best Buy, Chesapeake Energy, Avon, Zynga, and Bankia.  Honorable mention goes to the Facebook CEO and his somewhat questionable wardrobe.

Many of these ignominious leaders share a common trait: the failure to heed warning signs.  While it is very easy to look back and say that the Bay of Pigs was a bad idea or that the writing on the wall was easy to read, warning signs are not always easy to spot.  When it comes to your personal finances, some warning signs include an irrational fear of mailboxes and their contents and the urge to let every incoming call roll over to voicemail.

If you have seen some warning signs regarding your personal finances, there are a few points to remember.  First, you are not alone.  Millions of your neighbors declare bankruptcy every year.  Second, the problems will not get better on their own.  You must take some sort of action.  Third, seek professional advice to get you back on the right monetary path.  Call the law office of Henley and Henley for your fee consultation.