by Chris Ebert | Mar 16, 2012 | General
Congratulations to erstwhile actor Gary Busey, who recently completed his pre-discharge budget counseling class. Mr. Busey, who filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy a few months ago, also gave us this acrostic: Bringing A New Knowledge Regarding Understanding Past Tribulations...
by Chris Ebert | Mar 15, 2012 | General
The Republicans Most conservatives favor economic deregulation as a means to reduce the government’s size. It stands as no surprise that George W. Bush never met a banking deregulation law that he didn’t like. Many Bush-era laws contributed to an attitude that all...
by Chris Ebert | Mar 15, 2012 | General
Unless you are expecting a refund check, any correspondence from any taxing authority is always bad news. Personal bankruptcy, through Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, can sometimes eliminate some tax debt. Whenever the lawyer uses words like “sometimes” and “some”, you know...
by Chris Ebert | Mar 14, 2012 | General
Frank lost his job last year. Since then, he’s been using unemployment checks and the occasional temporary job to pay the bills. But those revenue streams have run dry, Frank is already a month behind on his rent, and the first of next month is coming up fast. Even...
by Chris Ebert | Mar 13, 2012 | General
A sluggish job market means increased personal debt. Jobless consumers are obviously affected, but even those with jobs may find their wages frozen. The situation will probably not improve anytime soon. Maybe your family, or someone you know, is facing mounting...