When selecting a bankruptcy attorney, it’s very important to ask about the lawyer’s “exit plan”.  In other words, what will you do for me after I file my voluntary petition?

There are a number of perfectly competent bankruptcy lawyers whose eyes will glaze over the moment you begin discussing “cram downs” and “strip offs”.  You deserve the kind of law firm that has the expertise to deal with your debt issues, and not just delay the inevitable foreclosure.

An Illinois court has recently ruled that a moneylender’s failure strictly comply with the statute is grounds to avoid a mortgage in bankruptcy.  In other words, if all the “I”s are not dotted and the “T”s are not crossed, you may have made your last house payment.

Laws regarding your home mortgage have changed a lot over the past five years, and these laws continue to evolve.  Call the law office of Henley and Henley for your free consultation.  Their legal professionals know how the laws have changed, and they know how to use the law to your advantage.