The moneylenders have created the myth that people spend themselves into bankruptcy.  The moneylenders want consumers to be too embarrassed or ashamed to file bankruptcy.

Yet even large lottery winners find themselves in bankruptcy court, so the statistics simply do not support this myth.  Four out of five bankruptcies may be traced to conditions which are beyond the consumer’s control: medical expenses, job loss, divorce, and natural disasters.  Many Americans are quite literally living paycheck to paycheck, so one financial crisis can be the difference between solvency and bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy is dishonorable only if you are a frustrated moneylender that is unable to collect a delinquent account.  Bankruptcy is a shield that you can use to protect you and your family.  The shield is not free, but impenetrable shields always cost money.

If you are facing a financial crisis, whether or not it is self-inflicted, call the law office of Henley and Henley for your free consultation.  The social and economic cost to rescue your family will be lower than you think.