In an attempt to collect a debt, a debt-buyer cannot:

  1. Threaten to arrest you
  2. Impersonate a police officer
  3. Use obscene or profane language
  4. Threaten to kill your pet
  5. Threaten to kill you

Sadly, every one of these tactics is used by at least one debt-buyer on a routine basis.  The federal government theoretically regulates debt-buyers through the Federal Trade Commission.  But with nearly a half-million employees, the debt-buyers are very difficult to regulate.

Even if a debt-buyer refrains from using over-the-top tactics, collections efforts are designed to be annoying and harassing.  These efforts can truly wear down any consumer, especially if that consumer is already having difficulty making ends meet.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is generally your best weapon against debt-buyers.  All collection activity must cease as soon as you file your voluntary petition; most of your consumer debts are also dischargeable in bankruptcy, so you never have to face those phone calls again.

Call today for your free consultation, and see how Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be the answer you’re looking for.