Has a possible six-figure damage award ever slipped your mind?  When you are asked to list “real property that you own”, does the question seem unclear?  Have you ever slightly underestimated the value of your property?

The majority of tax returns are unaudited.  If you make some innocent (or even not-so-innocent) omission on your tax return, statistically those omissions may never come back to haunt you.  Bankruptcy does not work in that way.  The court appoints a bankruptcy trustee to scrutinize every petition.  So, it is very important to have a bankruptcy attorney ab initio.  Only an experienced bankruptcy lawyer can even tell you the difference between a Chapter 7 and a Chapter 13, let alone give any competent advice about what bankruptcy will mean to you personally.  Only an experienced bankruptcy lawyer can represent you at the creditor’s meeting, the confirmation hearing, or any other bankruptcy court hearing.  Only an experienced bankruptcy lawyer can help you take full advantage of your financial fresh start, and help you establish good financial habits that will permanently keep you in the black.

When the bankruptcy court scrutinizes your petition and schedules, do not face that magnifying glass alone.  Do not expect “oops…I forgot” to be an effective defense.  Have the law on your side for a change.  Call the law office of Henley and Henley for your free consultation.