Since this is a bankruptcy law firm, you might expect our answer to be “yes”. But a better answer is “maybe”.

Most people in the Dallas area are struggling to manage their debt, to one degree or another. Some of your neighbors are facing repossession, foreclosure, or lawsuits from unpaid creditors. Others are current on their payments but have some misgivings about their future ability to maintain those payments. Others are somewhere in between.

No matter where you fall on this scale, the professionals at Henley and Henley PC are here to help. We offer much more than bankruptcy to help you resolve your situation.

If you are in the first group, bankruptcy might be a good option. Chapter 7 bankruptcy can eliminate most unsecured debt (e.g. credit cards, medical bills, and payday loans) and help give you a fresh start. You will then have the opportunity to re-build your credit rating and, financially speaking, get back to where you were before. If you have issues with your home mortgage, and you want to stay in your home, Chapter 13 is the best idea. Chapter 13 bankruptcy, often called “reorganization”, can help you eliminate some debts and manage other ones. Or perhaps you are a business owner, and, like many other large and small companies, you are temporarily unable to stay in the black. In that instance, we can discuss a Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

If you are in the second or third group, bankruptcy might not be a good option. Instead, we can negotiate with your creditors to reduce your debt nolvadex tablets online. Even if you have been turned down for a mortgage loan modification or mortgage refinance, and even if you have been to other so-called “debt management “ companies without success, we at Henley and Henley know what techniques to use to get you the best result possible. While we don’t promise to eliminate your debt or drastically reduce your monthly payments, we do promise to work hard. Compare our methods and our results with anyone else, and we are confident you will see that Henley and Henley is your best call for debt management solutions, whether they be bankruptcy or something else.

Call today for your free initial consultation. The sooner you call, the sooner we can get to work.