Graybeards should call the florist.   Hipsters may want to take a stroll through the local Pier One or Kohl’s.   Big spenders may want to go here or hereTARP celebrates its fourth anniversary this month.

The Troubled Asset Relief Program and its mantra of “Too Big to Fail” continue to draw debate.  Who really benefitted from this bailout, who really wound up paying the bill, and was the result worth the price that was paid?

One thing beyond debate is the lackluster economy which has remained in the wake of the financial crisis and the “Great Recession”.  High unemployment and low income means more consumer debt.  We all have a breaking point, when we will not be able to repay the money we have borrowed.

If you are at or near (or past) the breaking point, bankruptcy is an excellent option.  There are some upfront financial and emotional costs.  Your credit rating will be adversely affected.  All these costs will be a distant memory in a few short years.  Your fresh start will be fully in place, and you and your family can be well on your way back to the pre-TARP era.  Call the law office of Henley and Henley to see how you can have the fresh start that you deserve.