A proper hot dog requires mustard, chili, cheese, and onions.  But, in a pinch, a bun and weenie will do.  Likewise, a proper bankruptcy requires over a dozen different forms.  But, in a pinch, just a few forms will do.

An emergency bankruptcy is not uncommon, especially if there is a pending foreclosure sale on the debtor’s residence.  By filing just a few documents (basically the voluntary petition and a few supporting documents), the attorneys at Henley and Henley can stop any foreclosure sale or any other collections activity.  The bankruptcy court then gives the debtor a couple of weeks to file the remaining paperwork.

Maybe you think it’s too late for bankruptcy to help you, and you are just crossing your fingers that the bank will put off the sale date for another month.  You have never relied on other people to take care of your home for you, and now is no time to start.  You’ve already waited long enough.  Call Henley and Henley today for your free consultation.