by Chris Ebert | May 7, 2012 | General
The moneylenders have created the myth that people spend themselves into bankruptcy. The moneylenders want consumers to be too embarrassed or ashamed to file bankruptcy. Yet even large lottery winners find themselves in bankruptcy court, so the statistics simply do...
by Chris Ebert | May 4, 2012 | General
Both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be effective tools for dissolving an active lawsuit or even a prior judgment. Perhaps the moneylender or debt-buyer is threatening to take action against you, such as filing a lawsuit or sending a foreclosure notice. One...
by Chris Ebert | May 1, 2012 | General
Sherry’s stomach knotted up as she glared at the “insufficient funds” warning on the supermarket ATM. With payday six days away, only peanut butter and Raman noodles to feed the kids, and the gas gauge inching towards “E”, she knew she had to do something fast. A...
by Chris Ebert | Apr 29, 2012 | General
“Exempt” is a nice word that has an especially nice meaning when it comes to bankruptcy. If an asset is exempt, it cannot be sold to pay the moneylenders. Texas has one of the broader homestead exemptions in the United States. The maximum value of your home is...
by Chris Ebert | Apr 26, 2012 | General
1. You are more than 1 month behind on your rent To take full advantage of bankruptcy laws and the automatic stay, you need to file for bankruptcy (either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13) before the landlord files an eviction suit. If a lawsuit is filed, the landlord may be...