Can I Keep My Credit Cards After Bankruptcy?

A better question might be “should I keep my credit cards after bankruptcy”, but first things first. When you file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you are required to list all your debts.  If a credit card has a zero balance, it is not a debt and does not need to...

Bankruptcy Will…

…not affect your job search. One persistent myth is that a bankruptcy filing affects your employment prospects.  The thinking goes that people who file bankruptcy are considered financially irresponsible, untrustworthy around money, and distracted by their debt...

Bankruptcy and Retirement Savings

Mike and Jenny have saved money for most of their working lives, and they have put nearly all of that money into an IRA.  But in the last few years, their graphic design business has lost client after client.  A business bankruptcy is a real possibility, and a...

Bankruptcy Modification

“The only constant in life is change.”-Heraclitus, 5th century B.C. With regard to your personal bankruptcy, change most often comes in two forms: Conversion from a Chapter 13 to Chapter 7 (or the other way around) Modification of the Chapter 13 Plan Section 1307 of...

Bankruptcy and Home Equity

“Nero fiddled while Rome burned”.  Politicians continue to fuss while the mortgage crisis lingers.  If you have negative equity in your home, and you are tired of waiting for someone else to do something, then it may be time to consider Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter...