Big Brother is Watching…

…but not necessarily watching out for you.  For macroeconomic reasons that this blogger frankly has problems understanding, the government wants higher prices on items like food and energy.  And with wage growth expected to be moderate or unchanged, it doesn’t take a...

Happy Days Are (Never Coming Back) Again?

In the past, the economy has generally been cyclical: a period of prosperity followed by a period of recession followed by a period of prosperity, and so on.  But now, “[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes”...

Top Five Bankruptcy Filing Mistakes

A voluntary petition for protection under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code is a like your personal income tax return: even a minor mistake can have serious consequences.  Here is a list we have compiled of the most common bankruptcy mishaps. 5.        ...

Bankruptcy Changes

When selecting a bankruptcy attorney, it’s very important to ask about the lawyer’s “exit plan”.  In other words, what will you do for me after I file my voluntary petition? There are a number of perfectly competent bankruptcy lawyers whose eyes will glaze over the...

Top Three Newest Recoveries from Bankruptcy

General Motors General Motors filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2009, after having lost about $100 billion in the 2000s and losing its spot as the world’s top-selling auto maker. Just two years later, GM posted a $7.6 billion profit, the largest profit ever in the...