by Chris Ebert | Aug 28, 2012 | General
From the world of sports comes an object lesson in financial planning. You may or may not remember the 2004 Athens Olympics. Greece spent around $15 billion USD staging these Games. Now, many of those once-shining venues are in serious disrepair. Eight years...
by Chris Ebert | Aug 25, 2012 | General
Since 1950, when the most popular television show in the United States was Texaco Star Theater and Congress established a mechanism for a municipal bankruptcy, there have been fewer than 500 Chapter 9 filings. In the last three months, and in California alone, there...
by Chris Ebert | Aug 22, 2012 | General
4. Medical Bills Even if you have medical insurance, medical bills resulting from a serious illness can average over $13,000.00 ($36,000.00 for cancer patients). Even after they are discharged you can still make payments on your medical bills. But the payments would...
by Chris Ebert | Aug 2, 2012 | General
The United States has a well-deserved reputation as a generous nation. Over the past ten years, Americans have given trillions of dollars to charity. Yet much of this giving goes to faceless people in remote areas (an earthquake in Haiti or a tsunami in Japan). When...
by Chris Ebert | Jul 28, 2012 | General
In a bygone era, the United States shouted “Amen!” and “Preach On!” as the International Monetary Fund scolded Latin American nations for their huge national debts. Now, the IMF has its sights set on the debt crisis in the United States. Congressman Frank Wolf has...