Prior Bankruptcy Filing?

Although they say that lightning never strikes twice in the same place, it isn’t unusual for multiple financial setbacks to occur to the same family.  If you have filed bankruptcy before, and find yourself in need of bankruptcy protection again, what are your options?...

The Bankruptcy Cram-Down and the IMF

In a bygone era, the United States shouted “Amen!” and “Preach On!” as the International Monetary Fund scolded Latin American nations for their huge national debts.  Now, the IMF has its sights set on the debt crisis in the United States.  Congressman Frank Wolf has...

The Emergency Bankruptcy

A proper hot dog requires mustard, chili, cheese, and onions.  But, in a pinch, a bun and weenie will do.  Likewise, a proper bankruptcy requires over a dozen different forms.  But, in a pinch, just a few forms will do. An emergency bankruptcy is not uncommon,...

The Bankruptcy Prejudice

The United States has a well-deserved reputation as a generous nation.  Over the past ten years, Americans have given trillions of dollars to charity.  Yet much of this giving goes to faceless people in remote areas (an earthquake in Haiti or a tsunami in Japan). When...

Is Bankruptcy Ethical?

For many people bankruptcy creates a moral dilemma. Many of us are taught to always repay our debts. Sometimes, bankruptcy lawyers dance around this issue by pointing out that hundreds of thousands of people file bankruptcy each year, including people like Walt Disney...