Quantitative Easing??

When the flow chart looks like this, you know you’re probably in over your head.  This definition is not much better.  About the only economic terms that most of us understand are “red” and “black”.  If your bank balance is in black, there is money in the account.  If...

Are You Smarter Than. . .?

For those of us (this blogger included) who are mathematically challenged, consider this simple equation: 0.8 – 0.4 = Debt.  In September 2011, consumer spending rose 0.8% while personal income climbed 0.4%.  How will American families bridge the gap between the two...

Addicted to Debt

For those of us who may have been living in a cave, here is the latest financial news: the United States government has a debt problem.  In fact, one prominent bond manager says that the United States is addicted to debt.  “The U.S., in fact, is a serial offender, an...

Big Brother is Watching…

…but not necessarily watching out for you.  For macroeconomic reasons that this blogger frankly has problems understanding, the government wants higher prices on items like food and energy.  And with wage growth expected to be moderate or unchanged, it doesn’t take a...

Bankruptcy Changes

When selecting a bankruptcy attorney, it’s very important to ask about the lawyer’s “exit plan”.  In other words, what will you do for me after I file my voluntary petition? There are a number of perfectly competent bankruptcy lawyers whose eyes will glaze over the...