Dallas (214) 506-2500 | Houston (713) 955-5533 | San Antonio (210) 702-2150

Can Bankruptcy Stop a Judgment?

Both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be effective tools for dissolving an active lawsuit or even a prior judgment. Perhaps the moneylender or debt-buyer is threatening to take action against you, such as filing a lawsuit or sending a foreclosure notice.  One...

Bankruptcy and Payday Loans

Sherry’s stomach knotted up as she glared at the “insufficient funds” warning on the supermarket ATM.  With payday six days away, only peanut butter and Raman noodles to feed the kids, and the gas gauge inching towards “E”, she knew she had to do something fast. A...

The Means Test

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is designed to give a fresh start to consumers who face overwhelming debt website here.  Chapter 7 bankruptcy is not designed to allow consumers to elude their creditors.  There have always been anti-fraud provisions in the Bankruptcy Code, but...

5 Things Bankruptcy Can Stop

1.  Foreclosure In May 2012 hundreds of homeowners stand to lose their homes to foreclosure in Dallas County.  Bankruptcy can stop that foreclosure the moment the voluntary petition is filed.  A Chapter 13 bankruptcy can stop the foreclosure process for up to five...

Chapter 7 Overview

In 2011 there were nearly one million applications for bankruptcy protection.  Yet the notion persists that bankruptcy is an embarrassing process that will ruin any opportunity for financial well-being. Chapter 7 is sometimes called “liquidation”, although that...