Top Five Bankruptcy Filing Mistakes

A voluntary petition for protection under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code is a like your personal income tax return: even a minor mistake can have serious consequences.  Here is a list we have compiled of the most common bankruptcy mishaps. 5.        ...

The Emergency Bankruptcy

A proper hot dog requires mustard, chili, cheese, and onions.  But, in a pinch, a bun and weenie will do.  Likewise, a proper bankruptcy requires over a dozen different forms.  But, in a pinch, just a few forms will do. An emergency bankruptcy is not uncommon,...

Top Three Signs that You Need to File Bankruptcy

1.  You are more than 1 month behind on your rent To take full advantage of bankruptcy laws and the automatic stay, you need to file for bankruptcy (either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13) before the landlord files an eviction suit.  If a lawsuit is filed, the landlord may be...

Filing for Personal Bankruptcy, Part II

Do you think that Stockton, California is the only large city facing bankruptcy because of its financial priorities?  Think again.  The financial crisis of the late 2000s was severe and widespread and its strong ripples continue to this day.  No one was unaffected,...